Welcome to the iKidzBrain Flash Card Program! Follow these steps to use the program effectively:
1. Select the number of digits for the flash cards using the dropdown menu.
2. Click on the "Submit" button to start the flash cards based on your selection.
3. Optionally, you can cancel the operation by clicking on the "Cancel" button.
4. By deafult First flash card will upload, To change the flash card select "Auto Rotate" check box, Now image will change in every 4 seconds
5. To See the answer of Falsh card, Select the "Show Answer" check box, Now answer will display on screen for every image.
6. To hide answer uncheck the "Show Answer" and to stop roation of images automatically uncheck "Auto Rotate" check box
7. To learn more about each image, click on the "How to use Flash Card Program" link to access this guide.